Association for Regional Social and Economic Development

For public institutions

The services we offer to public institutions include the following:

1. Capacity building and institutional development:

•    Analysis, evaluation and optimisation of working processes
•    Delivery of trainings
•    Development of strategies, plans and other internal organisational documents
•    Performing evaluations on the implementation of strategic programming documents – ex-ante, interim and ex-post

2. Elaboration of studies and analyzes:

•    Collection of primary information
•    Processing of secondary information
•    Research on topics related to regional, social and economic development

3. Organisation of events:

•    Organisation of meetings, conferences, fora and seminars
•    Implementation of information campaigns
•    Implementation of educational programmes

4. Preparation and management of donor-funded projects:

•    Under the national operational programmes and the Rural Areas Development Programme
•    Under grant schemes funded by the European Structural and Investment funds at EU level
•    Under grant schemes funded by third countries outside the EU

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Regional policy

Social policy

Economic policy